Triangle Realty is proud to announce that we have officially launched our new website. We have been working hard to develop a site that is more user friendly and that will bring value to our clients. Our new site provides a clear message of who we are, what we value, and how hard we are willing to work for you. It includes many features that will make house hunting a breeze!
Some of the updated features include…
3 MLS Systems ALL IN ONE!
We are excited to bring you 3 MLS Systems all in one! Our new site has the ability to search the Amarillo MLS, Pampa MLS, and Lubbock MLS all at once. This functionality will make it easier for our clients to search for homes all across the panhandle!
Neighborhood Guides
This new site features neighborhood guides for Amarillo, Lubbock, Canyon, and Bushland* (*Coming soon). These guides provide our clients with valuable information that will assist them in choosing the right neighborhood. They also showcase homes for sale in each neighborhood for easy access. We have plans in the future to continuously update the information provided as well as create guides for more neighborhoods in the area.
New Blog Layout
We love creating content that is useful to our readers! We use our blogs to continuously educate our readers on market trends, common questions within the industry, and hot local topics. With our new blog layout our blogs will be easier to access with the ability to search by topic. They will also be more enjoyable to read with clearer images and larger text.
Clean and Modern Look
We have worked hard to create an overall look that is crisp and clean. The new layout is intended to be user friendly and eye catching. Our high quality imagery grabs the eyes attention and draws them to highlighted areas. The clean look makes it easy for users to navigate the site and take in all it has to offer.
We would love to be your resource for everything real estate and we hope we have achieved this with the extensive and comprehensive information included in our new website. The next time you think of real estate, think of Triangle Realty where we are continuously #exceedingexpectations. If you have any feedback, we encourage you to leave a comment below!