J.T. Haynes, owner of Amarillo-based Triangle Realty, LLC, is pleased to announce that REALTOR® Craig Cooper contributed $5,000 to the 2021 Triangle Realty First Fruits Fund. The brokerage matched his donation thus allowing his to contribute $10,000 total to two local organizations including the Coors Cowboy Club and the The Church at Bushland‘s Children Ministry.
The Coors Cowboy Club was formed in 2000 with a mission to “promote Amarillo the cowboy way”, by serving the community. With over 100 active members, the organization provides volunteer manpower forcharities and events in the community including Eveline Rivers’ Make A Child Smile Project, Khiva Shrine, Homes for Our Troops and Amarillo area law enforcement in addition to hosting events such as The National Cutting Horse Association, United States Team Penning Association and The Cowboy Mounted Shooters competitions.
The Church at Bushland, where Craig Cooper is an active member, began as the First Baptist Church of Bushland in 1917 and took on a new name in 2008 when Pastor Jeff Ponder was hired as senior pastor. “He began building a foundation in faith that transformed us from the small rural church we once were to the strong, vibrant church we are today.”
Craig N. Cooper is a native of the Texas Panhandle and has an agricultural economics degree from Panhandle State University. Craig was born and raised on a farm in Gruver, Texas, in Hansford County. Craig started his real estate business in 2010 and has accumulated over $60 million in sales along with an abundance of experience which transformed into expertise. “I have been involved in many things in my life”, says Craig. “But nothing has captured my attention and motivated me as much as being in the land business.”
Since 2015, the Triangle Realty First Fruits fund has given over $130,000 to local charities. For yearly totals and this year’s current giving goal, please visit Triangle’s Making a Difference.
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